Thursday, December 31, 2009

Year End Recap

Does anyone know what happened to 2009?. It’s gone and I cant find it anywhere.

The Big Tuna is right on schedule and the 2009 goal was achieved.
- Frames built
- Keel set.
- Chine logs put in place

Very minimal fairing has been done due to lack of time and the need to proceed with the rest of the build.

Many thanks to Svein for his support, wisdom, inspiration, and technical tips.I also want to thank Gil, my neighbor, who was my third and fourth hand when I needed it. Both of you are welcome on the Big Tuna any day.Honorable mention to Luis and Riley who also helped with the boat. "Is it finished yet pop?"

Best wishes to everyone and a wonderful, healthy and happy New Year!

Now I leave you for 2009 with some updated pictures of the Big Tuna.

Placing the port side chine log on frame.

Starbord view from bow to stern. Uper and lower chine logs in place.

Stern to bow veiw. with chine logs in place.

Chine logs meet at the bow. Finally! This picture shows rough cuts for notches. The notch shown was all done with a hammer and wood chisel. Be patient. Chip away. Step back. Look. Rough fit. Chip away. Step back. Look. rough fit. And so on. If you get tired, take a break or call it a day but what ever you do, dont rush it.

And finally the chine logs meet. The exess piece will be trimmed off and sanded flush.
Again, best wishes for 2010!

More picturs and updates to follow in January 2010.