Thursday, May 13, 2010

The BIG Turn!

The moment was here. It was finally time to turn the Big Tuna. All night I thought about the logistics. Who was going to stand at what position and how we were going to lift it. Funny this was that it never turned out exactly how I expected. It was almost like an episode of the The Key Stone Cops but the bottom line was that we got the job done safely. No one got a toe smashed and not a scratch on the Big Tuna. In addition, it was great to see everyone lend a hand and for that I am very grateful.

Lesson: Things don’t always go right by the book but as long as it happens….It happened

All safety brackets removed and ready to lift.

Safe touch down and now for the big turn....

Quite honestly I had no idea that this boat was this big.
Now what? 
If we cant get the boat to the trailor we'll get the trailor to the boat.

Yeap. we're gong to need a roller on that cross beam.

This is the lift and slide meathod. Primative but effective.

The Big Tuna has landed.

Thanks everyone. I could not have done it with out you.


  1. Incredible. What a nice boat. You did an awesome job. What size engine are gonig to put? Im building a 16footer and I plan to use a 50 Yamaha.

    Terri Claksman

  2. Boat looks great Lou! Thats helped motivate me alot! Also I sent you an email

    Ron J
